The library will be closed on Monday, May 25, 2020 for Memorial Day. Regular hours resume at 10 a.m. on Tuesday, May 26.
Stop in the library and register your children for the library’s “Hey Kids – Imagine Your Story” summer reading program! Children choose a goal of how many library books they can read in a week, check out library books and return them! Each time the goal is met twice a gift certificate will be issued. For tracking purposes the week ends on Friday and the program begins the week of May 26!
Library children’s summer programming is slated to begin May 26 with “LegoTime” on Tuesdays at 1 p.m., “Imagine Your Story Crafts” at 1 p.m. on Wednesdays and “Afternoon Movies” on Thursdays at 1 p.m. There is the possibility that programs may be split into two sessions. Several other programs are scheduled, including “Paint @ the Library,” Jeff Quinn Magic, Rocky Mountain Puppets and Virtual Entertainer Chef Bananas – watch for more information!
One Book Wyoming – Hemingway is available to pick up at the library. Ernest Hemingway had many connections to Wyoming. He completed ‘Farewell to Arms’ at Spear-O-Wigwam in 1928 and wrote ‘Wine of Wyoming’ about his interactions with residents of Sheridan during this time. A discussion of “In Our Time” is scheduled for Monday, June 15 at 6 p.m. Actor Duffy Hudson returns on June 18 portraying Ernest Hemingway at 6 p.m.

Marc Cameron’s latest novel is “Stone Cross.” Deputy U.S. Marshall Arliss Cutter and his deputy, Lola Teariki, have been assigned to shadow a federal judge who has received death threats and refuses protection. Arriving at the remote Alaskan village of Stone Cross they find it griped in fear – a couple is missing, another man dead. They have their job cut out for them, trying to keep the judge safe while hunting and finding a killer amid a hotbed of corruption, lies, and long-buried secrets. “Stone Cross” is also available in Overdrive/Libby.
Other new fiction books are “Die Ostafrika Schutztruppe: the East Africa Protection Force” by Kenny Wasserburger, “Hit List” by Stuart Woods, “Journey of the Pharaohs” by Clive Cussler, “Hidden Salem” by Kay Hooper, “Shakedown” by Newt Gingrich, Texas Outlaw” by James Patterson and Rakeheart” by Rusty Davis. New young adult titles are “The Light in Hidden Places” by Sharon Cameron and “House of Earth and Blood: Crescent City” by Sarah J. Maas.
Recent non-fiction books include “Re-Bisoning the West: Restoring an American Icon to the Landscape” by Kurt Repanshek, “Sound Medicine: How to Use the Ancient Science of Sound to Heal the Body and Mind” by Kulreet Chaudhary, M.D., and “Plant Magic: Herbalism in Real Life” by Christine Buckley.
The Lennea Lewis Slagle Children’s Library has these new junior titles, “Our Principal Breaks a Spell” by Stephanie Calmenson, “The Girl Who Speaks Bear” by Sophie Anderson and “Snow and Rose” by Emily Winfield Martin. Among the newer easy books are “Katie’s Vet Loves Pets” by Fran Manushkin, “Pluto Gets the Call” by Adam Rex, “The Upper Case: Trouble in Capital City” by Tara Lazar and “Lucky’s Class Contest” by Jennifer Fox.
“Chomping Up Spring!” is the theme for Storyhour on Tuesday, May 26, 2020. Storyhour is held from 10 to 11 a.m. every Tuesday throughout the year for preschool aged children. Call 334-3274 anytime to hear a recorded story. Dial-A-Story is sponsored by the Friends of the Library.
Check out the library’s online catalog by going to: https://www.niobraracountylibrary.org and clicking on WyldCat. Your library card number and PIN gives you the ability to place holds on items and renew some items.
Stop by soon! Library hours are Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., and Wednesday 12 p.m. to 7 p.m.