Stop by during the month of March and check out Abbie Wickersham’s photography. Her work features landscapes throughout Sioux County, Nebraska and Niobrara County, Wyoming. Abbie will have some of her pieces for sale.
LegoTime is back in session beginning Tuesday, March 7 and will be held on Tuesdays through May from 3:35 to 4:45 p.m. All ages will enjoy building and creating a variety of Lego projects.
Have you registered for Doodle @ the Library? Call 307-334-3490 to reserve your spot in the Wednesday, March 8 class! The event will be held from 4:30-6:30 p.m.

The next Read & Feed book discussion features “Running with Sherman” by Christopher McDougall. When McDougall agreed to take in a donkey from an animal hoarder, he thought it would be no harder than the rest of the adjustments he and his family had made. But when Sherman arrived, he was so sick he could barely move. Chris decided to undertake a radical rehabilitation program designed not only to heal Sherman’s body but his mind as well. Stop by the library to pick up a copy of the book scheduled to be discussed on Monday, March 13 at noon.

Jayne Ann Krentz’s latest novel, “Sleep No More” is the first book in her new trilogy “Lost Night Files.” An earthquake and fire partially destroyed a hotel where three women were staying, leaving them without any memory of their time there. Now close friends, the three co-host a podcast called the Lost Night Files. They are hoping to connect with others who may have had a similar experience – an experience that has somehow enhanced the psychic abilities already present in each woman. “Sleep No More” is also available digitally in Libby.
Other new books are “The House of Wolves” by James Patterson, “One Way to Boot Hill” by Max O’Hara, “The Cabinet of Dr. Leng” by Douglas Preston, “Better the Blood” by Michael Bennett, “Stalking the Dragon” by James Clay, “Murder Book” by Thomas Perry, “The House at the End of the World” by Dean Koontz and “The Devil’s Ransom” by Brad Taylor. “Chain of Thorns” by Cassandra Clare is among new young adult books.
New non-fiction books are “Lightning Down: A World War Story of Survival” by Tom Clavin, “Loving Someone with Suicidal Thoughts: What Family, Friends, Partners Can Say and Do” by Stacey Freedenthal, “Boxing Footwork: Drills, Techniques, Tips, & Tactics to Improve Your Boxing Power & Precisions Via Footwork” by Frank Sasso and “Guitar Chords for Dummies” by Antoine Polin.
The Lenna Lewis Slagle Children’s Library has the new chapter book “My Nest of Silence” by Matt Faulkner. New picture books include “No Monkey! & Rock Croc” by Katie Dale, “We Can Do It & The Big Jump” by Jerry Jinks, “Elephants Cannot Dance” by Mo Willems and “Beneath” by Cori Doerrfeld.
“Did You See the Leprechaun?” is the theme for Storyhour on Tuesday, March 7, 2023. Storyhour is held from 10 to 11 a.m. every Tuesday throughout the year for children age 3 through kindergarten. Bring your children today! Call 307-334-3274 anytime to hear a recorded story. Dial-A-Story is sponsored by the Friends of the Library.
Have you checked out the library’s online database of local history? Go to http://niobraracountylibrary.org and click on Historicals; you can browse or if you are looking for something specific enter your search terms. The library continues to build the Business Records database, if you have information about any county businesses, please let us know! Contact us by calling 307-334-3490 or emailing info@niobraracountylibrary.org.
Library hours are Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., and Wednesday 12 p.m. to 7 p.m. Stop by soon!