The Niobrara County Library presents “Bettman & Halpin” in concert on Sunday, September 10 at the Congregational Church at 1:30 p.m. Stephanie Bettman is an accomplished writer, singer, and fiddler, her lyrics are infused with wit and wisdom, poetry and insight. Luke Halpin is a master of the guitar and the mandolin, impressive on fiddle, banjo, and adept at nearly anything he picks up. A dynamic and sensitive vocalist himself, the harmony blends he and Bettman achieve is chilling and at times simply transcendent. Library programs are free and open to the public!
Krispy Kreme Doughnuts are back! Call the library at 307-334-3490 to place your order for pick up on Thursday, September 28 at 7:30 a.m. at the library. Glazed are $10.00 and frosted are $12. Proceeds benefit the Niobrara County Library Foundation’s 250K by 2025 endowment challenge.
The library has a wealth of business tools available, some to use in the library and some that may be checked out—including a professional podcasting studio. Have you thought about podcasting for your business? If so, be sure to attend “Podcasting for Your Business” on Tuesday, September 19at6 p.m. and learn all of the ins-and-outs of the library’s equipment. Jordan Belser with the Small Business Administration will present this program.

“The Paris Agent” is Kelly Rimmer’s latest novel. Due to a critical head injury, Noah Ainsworth is left with frustrating memory gaps from his time as a fearless British operative in France and a burning question that plagues him – who was the agent who saved his life during that tragic final mission. Determined to find answers for him, his daughter embarks on a quest that draws her into a treacherous web of secrets and unearths a shocking story from those final days of the war. “The Paris Agent” is also available in Hoopla and on CD.
Other new fiction books are “The Collector” by Daniel Silva, “Tom Lake” by Ann Patchett, “Dead Fall” by Brad Thor, “Pink Lemonade Cake Murder” by Joanne Fluke, “Mrs. Plansky’s Revenge” by Spencer Quinn, “The Summer of Second Chances” by Miranda Liasson, “Preacher’s Purge” by William W. Johnstone and “The After series” by Anna Todd. “The Snow Fell Three Graves Deep: Voices from the Donner Party” by Allan Wolf is available in the YA section.
Browse new non-fiction books by going to and then click on WyldCat. You can then choose the Adult Tab and Non-Fiction to see the most recent acquisitions; one of which is “Tucker” by Chadwick Moore. WyldCat will also allow you to see items that are held in our library as well as both digital libraries!
The Lenna Lewis Slagle Children’s Library has these new chapter books: “Catching Big Bubba” by Kevin Lovegreen, “The High Cheese” by Lane Walker and “Mixed Up” by Gordon Korman. Several of the newer picture books are “Henry’s School Days” by Robert Quackenbush, “The Most Important Animal of All” by Penny Worms, “Our Classroom Rules” by Kallie George, “How to Count to 1 (And Don’t Even Think About Bigger Numbers) by Casper Salmon and “Wombat” by Philip Bunting.
“Elmo” is the theme for Storyhour on September 12, 2023. Storyhour is held from 10 to 11 a.m. every Tuesday throughout the year for children age 3 through kindergarten. Call 307-334-3274 anytime to hear a recorded story. Dial-A-Story is sponsored by the Friends of the Library.
The library as two digital libraries available to you! Look for Libby (by Overdrive) and Hoopla in your app stores, or go to the library’s website: and access from the front page. Your library card number and PIN gives you access! Patrons can make purchase suggestions by going to WyldCat and clicking on Purchase Suggestions.
Library hours are Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., and Wednesday 12 p.m. to 7 p.m. Stop in soon!