“The Motorcycle Diaries” will be the featured film in the “An Unusual Journey” dinner and movie series on Monday, October 30 at 6 p.m. This four-month, 8,000 km long motorcycle trip throughout South America is certain to be an unusual journey. A meal will be available.
Afterschool Holiday Crafting kicks off on Thursday, November 2. Call the library at 307-334-3490 to register your children for a variety of fun Thanksgiving and Christmas crafts. The program will be held on Thursdays from 3:35-4:45 p.m. through Thursday, December 14.
Board Games will be featured on Tuesdays from 3:35-4:45 p.m. beginning November 7 and continuing through December 12. We have games for all ages!
Registration is also being taken for the Fall Paint @ the Library to be held on Wednesday, November 15 from 4:30-6:30 p.m. Children under the age of 10 should be accompanied by an adult. Call today to secure your space!

“The Kill Promise” is Scott Blade’s eighteenth Jack Widow thriller. Jack Widow has been “hijacked” by a friend to attend a prestigious medal ceremony. The event is a “big deal” because the medal is going to the first Native American woman recipient, Lou Cosay. When she doesn’t show up, Widow is drawn into a search for her which leads him to deadly secrets. He must use all his skills to uncover the truth.
Other new fiction books are “Elizabeth, By Name” by Will Cook, “Happiness” by Danielle Steel, “Code Red” created by Vince Flynn, “The Book Club Hotel” by Sarah Morgan, “23 1/2 Lies” by James Patterson, “A Queen of Thieves & Chaos” by K.A. Tucker, “What Kind of Mother” by Clay McLeod Chapman, “The Long Weekend” by Gilly Macmillan and “A Month of Doomsdays” by William W. Johnstone. A new young adult series is “Auroa Cycle” by Amie Kaufman.
New non-fiction books are “The Maid and the Socialite: the Brave Women Behind Green Bay’s Scandalous Minahan Trials” by Lynda Drews and “Larry McMurtry: a Life” by Tracy Daugherty.
The Lenna Lewis Slagle Children’s Library has these new chapter books “Adventure in Grand Canyon National Park” by Aaron Johnson, “The Hat, George Washington, and Me” by Gregory O. Smith and “The Fury of the Dragon Goddess” by Sarwat Chadda. Some of the newer picture books include “Uncle John’s City Garden” by Bernette G. Ford, “Powwow Day” by Traci Sorell, “May’s Brave Day” by Lucy Morris and “Stumpkin” by Lucy Ruth Cummins.
Children are invited to wear their Halloween costumes for a “Halloween!” Storyhour on Tuesday, October 31, 2023. Storyhour is held on Tuesdays from 10-11 a.m. throughout the year! Call 307-334-3274 anytime to hear a recorded story. Dial-A-Story is sponsored by the Friends of the Library.
Visit https://niobraracountylibrary.org and GoWyld for test and skills practice from Mometrix! Mometrix eLibrary provides access to study materials for over 1500 different standardized exams, including elementary to high school tests, ACT, ASVAB, GED, trade, nursing and many other professions! Materials include comprehensive study guides, interactive flashcards and practice tests! Your library card and PIN gives you access!
Library hours are Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., and Wednesday 12 p.m. to 7 p.m. Stop in soon!