Business Details

Hotels: Silver Cliff

The Lusk Herald, June 6, 1918

The excavating work is finished for the foundation of the new Silver Cliff rooming house.

Lusk Herald, October 10, 1918


Otto Stratton expects to open the Hotel Silver Cliff about October 15th, the fittings and furnishings having arrived.


The Lusk Herald-Standard, September 12, 1922


"Make your home at the Silver Cliff hotel when in Lusk. Rooms as low as 75 cents and $1.00, single; or $1.00 and $1.50, double; beds, 50 cents."


September 19, 1922

Why not get the best for your money? All rooms at the Silver Cliff have hot and cold water, steam heat and the most comfortable beds. Rooms as low as 75 cents and $1.00; beds 50 cents.


The Lusk Herald and The Lusk Standard, December 19, 1922


 A deal was closed the past week whereby the Silver Cliff hotel became the property of I.M. Skinner, formerly of Gordon, Nebr. He purchased both the building and fixtures.  

The management will not be changed at the present time as E. O. Stratton is the lessee and manager.


The Lusk Herald, April 4, 1936


Mr. and Mrs. P.P. Brown, who have operated the Silver Cliff Hotel in Lusk for the past 14 years disposed of the property this week to Mr. and Mrs. Carl Henkel.

Mr. and Mrs. Brown have not yet announced their plans for the future.


The Lusk Herald, May 2, 1940

Browns To Take Over Management Silver Cliff Hotel June First

P.P. Brown of Cheyenne, and former Lusk hotel man, was was in town last week-end and stated to a representative of the Herald that he was planned ti return to Lusk about June 1st of this year, and would assume management of the Silver Cliff Hotel.

According to Mr. Brown's present plans the hotel will be closed several weeks after June 1st while the hotel is undergoing modernization and refurnishing. When the hostelry is reopened it will be completely refurnished and many new features added to its service.

Mr. and Mrs. Brown have been operating a hotel in the capital city several years. they plan to make their home in Lusk again which will be good news to their many friends in this community. Mt. and Mrs. Calhoun have been operating the Silver Cliff for the past several months.

The Lusk Herald, April 18, 1946


The Silver Cliff Hotel, which has been owned by Mr. and Mrs. P.P. Brown since 1926, has been sold to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Chamberlain. The hotel will be managed by Mr. and Mrs. Sharon Chamberlain, who will take over the duties of the new business the first of May.

Mr. and Mrs. Brown have been in the hotel business in Lusk for many years, as they were owners and operators of the Henry Hotel, now the Spencer Hospital, for a number of years prior to the purchase of the Silver Cliff in 1926. They sold the Henry Hotel to Mr. and Mrs. Glen Cates and purchased the Silver Cliff from A.E. Johnston. The Silver Cliff was built in 1918, during Lusk's first oil boom days, and its first lessee and manager was E.O. Stratton. Now owner of Hotel Pendleton at Pendleton, Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. Brown leased the Silver Cliff for a time and bought the Royal Hotel in Cheyenne, which they operated for several years. The plans for Mr. and Mrs. Brown are still indefinite, but for the present they will take and apartment in the hotel, and Lusk. Friends hope they will decide to stay here. Roy Chamberlain is well known in Wyoming hotel circles. He is the owner and manager of the Ranger Hotel, one of the finest hotels in the Rocky Mountain region.


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Related/Linked Records

Record Type Name
Historical Fire: Silver Cliff Hotel Arson View Record
Historical Silver Cliff Hotel Radium Baths View Record
Obituary Stratton, Ellsworth (04/29/1891 - 06/09/1974) View Record
Historical Quilt Squares - Silver Cliff Hotel View Record